

Clip-­n-­Seal’s® patented rod­-and­-clamp design is easy to use, sturdy, and nearly unbreakable. The soft plastic ergonomic shape provides a comfortable gripping surface to easily clip the pieces together, and pull them apart. You get a perfect air/water tight seal each and every time. No more bulky bag clips that break, and don’t close tightly enough.


Read the the Clip-n-Seal story on Amazon and visit our storefront.


Clip-n-Seals can be made to any length and size. For custom orders please Contact us. To buy direct use our 小马出墙破解版app shopping cart.


Sized to fit nearly every packaged food bag including chips, cereal, frozen food, coffee, spices, trail mix, or anything else that needs to be kept fresh.

But it’s not just for keeping food fresh. Crime scene investigators use it to seal bagged evidence. Dairy farmers use them in their daily operations. Even NASA uses custom versions in outer space.

Pick up a set and find your own unique use for Clip-n-Seal®.


  • Made with industrial grade low-density polyethylene (LDPE)
  • Resistant to impact and staining
  • Odor resistant
  • Dishwasher safe (top rack only)
  • Min temperature: -135°C/-211°F
  • Max temperature: 135°C/275°F
  • Burst strength is rated to 2.7 PSI
  • Pantone colors are available (Custom orders only)



40" clamp, 41.5" rod, 7/16" dia.

Cut-to-size industrial applications, waste, liquid, and dry goods


12.6" clamp, 14.1" rod, 7/16" dia

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Cereal, packaged foods, small chip bags


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5.75" clamp, 6.25" rod, 1/4" dia.

Coffee-bag specific


4.6" clamp, 5.1" rod, 1/8" dia.

Spices, beads, parts, misc.