University of Florida Homepage


COVID-19 and the Department

Effective Tuesday, March 24, 2020, the administrative offices of the department will be closed in compliance with the Alachua County Shelter-in-Place order and the university’s transition to essential personnel only. Administrative staff may be reached by phone at (352) 294-2350 during regular business hours, or by email. Email department chair Kevin Knudson at and office manager Margaret Somers at This schedule will remain in effect until further notice. All courses have moved online for the remainder of the spring term as well as for Summer A and C. If you have registration questions, you may contact the Undergraduate Coordinator at Please stay safe.


The Mathematics Department annual Spring Celebration took place via Zoom on Friday, April 24 with 68 people in virtual attendance. Two faculty members were honored on their retirement after many years of excellent service,
Professor James Brooks (52 years) and Master Lecturer Sherry Townwall (35
years). Our office manager Margaret Somers was a CLAS Superior Staff Honoree. For many other awards and achievements, please see the 2020 celebration program.

New Faculty

It is a pleasure for the Mathematics Department at the University of Florida to welcome new members of our department who will join us in Fall, 2020. They were hired as part of the University of Florida’s Faculty 500 initiative. Our new Assistant Professors are Nan Jiang (Data Science/Numerical Analysis) and ios免费版ⅴpn (Data Science/Topological Data Analysis).

SEALS 2020

The SouthEastern Logic Symposium 2020 will take place during the weekend of February 28-March 1, 2020 at the University of Florida, Gainesville, with support from the National Science Foundation. The conference is organized by Dana Bartosova, Doug Cenzer, Ethan McCarthy and Jindra Zapletal. Please see the iphone可以用的梯子 for details.


The Department of Mathematics will host Professor Joel Cohen, Columbia University and Rockefeller University on January 22, 2020. His public lecture will take place at 4:05pm in 101 Little Hall, with tea preceding at 3:30pm in 338 Little Hall. Details about Prof. Cohen’s talk may be found here.

University of Florida Topological Data Analysis conference

The University of Florida Topological Data Analysis conference will take place January 30-31, 2020 at the University of Florida Informatics Institute, located at 432 Newell Drive, CISE Bldg E251. This conference is a part of and funded by the NSF-Simons Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology (SCMB).  For more information see the 搭梯子iphone教程. If you wish to attend, email 2021还能用的梯子 before January, 22.



