


Despite progress made on a vaccine against COVID-19, "there's no silver bullet at the moment and there might never be," the World Health Organization's director-general warned on Monday. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus' words marked six months since the organization declared COVID-19 a public health emergency of international concern. Tedros said that at that point, on Jan. 30, "there were fewer than 100 cases and no deaths outside of China." Three months later, the world had 3 million reported...

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Frankie Graziano / Connecticut Public


Some of the more controversial aspects of police reform that’ve been debated on the streets of Connecticut are now law.

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手机搜狐网:手机搜狐网,懂手机,更懂你!手机搜狐是国内最大的移动门户之一,利用搜狐门户矩阵资源,内容覆盖新闻、财经、体育、娱乐、汽车、房产、图库、视频等资讯,为10亿手机用户打造随时随地的掌上资讯生活。手机搜狐网,手机搜狐触版- m.sohu.com


銀河英雄傳說 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书:2021-6-9 · 概要 背景设定为人类生存圈扩展到全銀河系的未来时空。 由於財富帶來糜爛,人們對政治失去信心,漸漸疏於履行民主之義務,野心家趁機奪權,重回專制體制,建立「銀河帝國」。 不滿帝制的人民展開逃亡,成立自由行星同盟。从此兩國互相爭戰达150多年,加上夾在中間之强大经济体——獨立 ...



5 hours ago
Erin Scott / Pool via AP

Dr. Anthony Fauci says Connecticut is in a good place when it comes to the pandemic. 


5 hours ago

Americans bought near-record numbers of guns in July, according to industry estimates, continuing a sales boom experts say is unprecedented.

Gun stores sold 2 million firearms in July, according to estimates from Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting, a year-over-year increase of 134.6%. SAAF estimates that the bulk of those sales were handgun purchases — continuing a monthslong trend.


5 hours ago
Chion Wolf / WNPR

With a presidential primary just a week away, municipal clerks are feeling the stress of absentee voting amid the pandemic. 


6 hours ago
The San Marino Ristorante Italiano restaurant in Waterbury has brought back about half of its business, but La Bella Vista banquet hall, about 5 miles away, has struggled with indoor gathering capacity limits.
uu加速器送守望先锋,领到的的玩家不会感谢你,领不到的只 ...:上月月底前,我听到了UU加速器要送《守望先锋》的新闻,其实上月月中苏宁易购有个活动也是白嫖守望先锋,我本人是畅玩版预购用户,抽到之后送给我朋友了,我当时也不由得为游戏环境担忧。到了月底,好家伙,直接白给了。畅玩版升级典藏版,没有的领畅玩版。

Tony D’Elia owns San Marino Ristorante Italiano and La Bella Vista in Waterbury. One’s a restaurant, one’s a banquet hall. And he's among the many restaurant owners pushing to increase the capacity of indoor and outdoor dining in the state.


Aug 1, 2020
漫威最美的一张亚洲脸,智慧与美貌的化身,一点都不比汪 ...:2021-5-11 · 漫威的一姐公认是黑寡妇的饰演者斯嘉丽·约翰逊,初代复仇者,漫威片酬最高的女英雄。复联四给了寡姐一个圆满的结局,为了获得灵魂宝石而牺牲了,虽然还有自己的独立电影《黑寡妇》已经开拍,但是讲述的确实寡姐的起源故事。

Students from state high schools will have a shot at athletic competition this fall.

Earlier this year, the state governing body of high school sports stopped play because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But now, the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference has a plan for Connecticut student-athletes to play in games starting Sept. 24 -- with pandemic-friendly adjustments.

Frankie Graziano / Connecticut Public

手机搜狐网:手机搜狐网,懂手机,更懂你!手机搜狐是国内最大的移动门户之一,利用搜狐门户矩阵资源,内容覆盖新闻、财经、体育、娱乐、汽车、房产、图库、视频等资讯,为10亿手机用户打造随时随地的掌上资讯生活。手机搜狐网,手机搜狐触版- m.sohu.com

Joe Amon / Connecticut Public/NENC

After a tumultuous week filled with legislative outrage, sniping between energy companies, and consumer sticker shock at rising utility bills, state regulators on Friday announced they would temporarily suspend a controversial rate increase for energy company Eversource.

Courtesy: Griebel Frank campaign

There has been a massive outpouring of tributes from around Connecticut to the late Oz Griebel. The well-loved business leader and two-time gubernatorial candidate died July 29, days after being struck by a car while jogging. He was 71 years old. 


Jul 30, 2020

U.S. Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut has introduced a bill that would track evictions in a national database amid the pandemic. Tracking the data would  offer lawmakers critical information about where to direct resources.

Ali Warshavsky / WNPR

Annamarie Koch took an old English bulldog into her Ansonia home this spring.

“My husband is an essential worker, so he was never home and I was home all the time,” she said. “I was lonely.”


QQ音乐-千万正版音乐海量无损曲库新歌热歌天天畅听的高 ...:QQ音乐是腾讯公司推出的一款网络音乐服务产品,海量音乐在线试听、新歌热歌在线首发、歌词翻译、手机铃声下载、高品质无损音乐试听、海量无损曲库、正版音乐下载、空间背景音乐设置、MV观看等,是互联网音乐播放和下载的优选。

Seven Residents Under 19 Test Positive for Covid-19 In Darien
Kin Mun Lee / Creative Commons


Officials in Darien are warning about a rise in COVID-19 cases among children and teens.

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銀河英雄傳說 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书:2021-6-9 · 概要 背景设定为人类生存圈扩展到全銀河系的未来时空。 由於財富帶來糜爛,人們對政治失去信心,漸漸疏於履行民主之義務,野心家趁機奪權,重回專制體制,建立「銀河帝國」。 不滿帝制的人民展開逃亡,成立自由行星同盟。从此兩國互相爭戰达150多年,加上夾在中間之强大经济体——獨立 ...