
                                  Message to our Readers


                                  by Autumn Green and Wendy Wagner Robeson

                                  Across the country, early childhood care and education programs have been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most closed in March, and though some are reopening as they are allowed by states, it’s expected that many will never reopen. These programs were financially precarious before the pandemic, and after months of closures and now with new regulations around cleaning and social distancing, it’s tough to make the numbers add up. 

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                                  Dr. William H. Robinson has spent the last 17 years at Vanderbilt University. In 2018, he became the institution’s first African American full professor in engineering, also serving as associate dean for academic success for the engineering school and the interim vice provost for strategic initiatives. Now, he’s taking on a new role as Vanderbilt’s […]

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                                  Rather than large lecture-style classes, Sweet Briar College offers a hands-on experiential learning environment for its engineering students. Through surveys with alumni, Sweet Briar — a Virginia-based women’s college — has found that such hands-on learning is beneficial for students’ future careers.

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                                  by Dr. Irving Pressley McPhail

                                  Vision 2030, a recently released report from the National Science Board (NSB), is the latest in a plethora of warnings that the American way of life is threatened because we are in danger of falling behind in STEM, the disciplines that have powered American prosperity for decades. The current COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the power and […]

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                                  Dr. Gurtina Besla, associate professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona, says getting a career or standing out on a graduate school application goes beyond what is taught in the classroom.  “You can walk through your entire degree and do great in your classes, but it doesn’t mean that you’re going to walk out […]


                                  Two days after the death of George Floyd — a Black man who died at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer — University of Minnesota President Joan Gabel made an announcement: The university is breaking its ties with the Minneapolis police department. The city department can no longer provide security at campus events or […]

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                                  Seeking a COVID-19 Cure

                                  In this issue: Dr. Christopher Barnes among the number of minority scientists working on a vaccine for the deadly novel coronavirus.


                                  The Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Revisited in ‘The Sword and The Shield’

                                  The Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Revisited in ‘The Sword and The Shield’


                                  As the nation witnesses around-the-clock Black Lives Matter protests, Dr. Peniel E. Joseph’s ‘The Sword and The Shield: The Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.’ could not have been published at a more apropos time. 


                                  How “Different” Will Post-COVID Higher Education Be, Especially for “At-Risk” Students?


                                  How are institutions preparing to deal with access to technology issues? While I can imagine many institutions providing students with laptops, students may encounter barriers to accessing reliable internet or even power for their devices. For residential campuses specifically who will have many students stay home, how do you ensure that your low-income students have access to adequate working space to learn and study?

                                  How and Where We Exit: Seven Propositions on Black Positionalities in the Pandemics Era

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                                  The world has tried to recalibrate after the seismic shift that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacted on key aspects of everyday life, as we once knew it. For certain populations, this shift has been coupled with a cataclysmic jolt. For Black people globally, and specifically for African-Americans in the United States, the battle has been at best—formidable. While the Black gaze focused on the destruction and devastation that COVID-19 was exacting, it was the concomitant spread of a second pandemic, racism, which proved to be just as, if not even more virulent for the Black community.

                                  by Dr. Irving Pressley McPhail

                                  电脑免费翻墙工具 wujie-如來論壇-金菩提宗師與網友問答 ...:2021-4-19 · 电脑免费翻墙工具 wujie 下載這個視頻: 請右鍵點擊這裡,然後選擇另存為 (4.3 MB) (5.23 MB) (3.43 MB) 安装说明(手机) 1. 安装准备工作: 安装"无·界·一点通",如果能访问谷歌应用商店, 可以直接从那里下载安装: 搜索"ydt ...

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                                  by Lois Elfman

                                  While some experts are expecting a jump in the popularity of two-year institutions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the data doesn’t yet reflect such a trend, and many say it’s too early to tell what the fall holds in store. A lot may depend on whether four-year colleges decide to keep instruction mostly remote.

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                                  by Joel L. Kinnamon and Annebelle Nery

                                  The Coachella Valley in Southern California is a series of 12-plus small cities linked by a commitment to big ideas. College of the Desert (COD), the local community college, is one of the biggest and best organizations in the Valley that serves the various communities as the epicenter of social and economic justice through a […]

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                                  Normally, when a new college president takes office, there’s a lot of handshaking, sitting in the dining hall with students and getting coffee with faculty members. But not for Dr. Angélica Garcia, president of Berkeley City College. Previously the vice president of student services at Skyline College in San Bruno, Calif., she started her new […]

                                  by Linda L. Garcia, Mike Bohlig and Courtney Adkins

                                  To help community college leaders understand what their students were experiencing, the Center for Community College Student Engagement offered a free online survey focused on how students were managing all the changes that came with the pandemic. The survey asked students about the information and support they were receiving from their college and from their instructors, the challenges they were facing as a result of the sudden transition to online classes, and their level of concern regarding food and housing security.

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                                  Black Issues


                                  More than 5,000 students from 17 United Negro College Fund (UNCF) historically Black colleges and universities shared how the COVID-19 pandemic was affecting their lives and enrollment plans for fall, in a recently published UNCF student pulse survey. Key findings from the survey include: Over 80% of students prefer to return to campus for some […]

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                                  Illinois State University will remove names in a residence hall that have links to slavery. The university said it will rename floors in its Watterson Towers residence hall, which consists of 10 “houses” named after the first 10 former U.S. secretaries of state. Of those 10, eight actively participated in slavery, the university said. “Asking […]

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                                  The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a “long overdue” apology for its racism against two Black doctors in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Two Black physicians, Dr. Alonzo deGrate Smith and Dr. Roland Boyd Scott, became association members in 1945. But, for six years prior, their initial membership applications had been repeatedly rejected […]

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                                  Latino Issues


                                  Dr. Gurtina Besla, associate professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona, says getting a career or standing out on a graduate school application goes beyond what is taught in the classroom.  “You can walk through your entire degree and do great in your classes, but it doesn’t mean that you’re going to walk out […]

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                                  The University of California (UC) system admitted its largest, most diverse class of Californians this year, according to preliminary data. Notably, for the first time, the system welcomed a higher percentage of Latinx prospective students than White students from the state. What did admissions leaders do to make it happen?

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                                  by B. Denise Hawkins

                                  On Aug. 11, more than a half century ago, the nearly all-Black community of Watts in South Central Los Angeles was simmering in a California heatwave. But before the day was done, Watts exploded into violence and flames after an abusive White patrolman arrested a young Black man for driving drunk. The incident touched off […]

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                                  by Steffi Huynh

                                  Black Lives Matter protests erupted across the United States this year, provoked by the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many others that have not seen full justice. As Asian Americans, we need to assess how we’ve been silent or apathetic to Black issues. It’s time we speak up and do something for Black Lives Matter – because frankly, we haven’t done enough.

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                                  “You brought the virus here.” These words were thrown at me on a street corner as I walked my dog, soon after the stay-at-home order was issued. Before I realized that these words were meant for me, the man who uttered them already moved on.

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                                  Since the coronavirus crisis began in Wuhan, China, Asian and Asian American students have faced an increase in discrimination on U.S. campuses, as their classmates misplace blame for the pandemic. Months ago, students reported xenophobic remarks, pointed looks and avoidance from their peers. But even with classes moved online, they continue to deal with harassment.   

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                                  American Indian Issues


                                  Senators Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Doug Jones (D-AL) on Thursday pressed for $1.5 billion in emergency funding to help historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and other minority-serving institutions (MSIs) respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

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                                  In the sciences, only 48 research doctorates were awarded to Native American and Alaska Native students, out of the 11,764 doctorates awarded to U.S. residents in 2012. The Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership supports Native American scholars pursuing graduate education in STEM disciplines.

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                                  Through a partnership with the University of Wyoming (UW) and the Northern Arapaho Tribe, an immersion dual language school will be established for K-16 students to help save the Arapaho language from extinction.

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                                  What You Can Do to Recruit and Retain Diverse Faculty and Staff During COVID-19

                                  Don’t want all of your time, resources and efforts wasted on your previous diversity recruitment efforts? Join this webinar for COVID-19 specific guidelines and strategies to help ensure you continue and improve diversity recruitment efforts for faculty and staff, while maintaining your retention strategies that support your diverse faculty and staff and support the mission […]

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