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    Congratulations, Class of 2020!

    Department of English faculty wish our English majors and minors in the class of 2020 warm congratulations.

    Office Closed in Response to COVID-19 Crisis

    In an abundance of caution, all English-department faculty and staff are now working remotely.  You may e-mail faculty and staff with questions and concerns.  Please go to our faculty directory and 代理http for contact information.  The COVID-19 website remains the best source of information about the impact of the virus on our University community,
    At the January, 2020 MLA convention in Seattle, Harris Feinsod responded to a roundtable discussion of his book The Poetry of the Americas: From Good Neighbors to Countercultures (2017/2019). The session, entitled “The Poetry of the Americas: Responses, Extensions, Critiques,” was organized by PhD candidates Zane Koss, Whitney DeVos, and Geronimo Sarmiento, and included remarks by Professors Kirsten Silva Gruesz, Virginia Jackson, Chadwick Allen, and Edgar Garcia.
    Lauren Jackson recently appeared on WTTW's 墙翻代理网址, where she talked about her new book, White Negroes: When Cornrows Were in Vogue… and Other Thoughts on Cultural Appropriation.
    watch the interview
    Juan Martinez was quoted in a January article about a new exhibit at the American Writers Museum, “My America: Immigrant & Refugee Writers Today,” an exhibit in which his work is featured.
    read the article
    Shannon Warhaft Lecture
    代理http gave the 43rdannual Sidney Warhaft Memorial Lecture, “Calamities of Exposure: Shakespeare and the Natural History of Human Being,” at the University of Manitoba. The lecture was established as a tribute to Manitoba Professor Sidney Warhaft, who earned his PhD in our department in 1954. Former Warhaft speakers include Northrup Frye, Margaret Drabble, Christopher Hill, Frank Kermode, W.J.T. Mitchell, Hortense Spillers, Wayne Koestenbaum, and Timothy Morton.
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    Litowitz MFA+MA in English and Creative Writing

    This program offers intimate classes, the opportunity to pursue both creative and critical writing, and close mentorship by renowned faculty in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Our three-year curriculum gives students time to deepen both their creative writing and their study of literature. Students complete two degrees concurrently --an MFA in Creative Writing and an MA in English.

    Apply to the MFA+MA Program

    MA in English Literature

    Designed to be completed in one year and flexible in its requirements, our Master's in Literature allows students considerable freedom in choosing courses in English and in related disciplines. Most are planning to move on to Doctoral study elsewhere, improve their credentials as teachers in secondary schools and community colleges, or to take their experience into the business and publishing sectors.

    Apply to the Master's Program

    PhD in English Literature

    Our PhD program offers advanced study and research in literary history, criticism, and theory, with excellent opportunities for study between both disciplines and departments. Courses within the department cover major genres, periods, authors, and a broad range of methodological and theoretical approaches. Significant support in professional development and on the job market are cornerstones of the program.



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