University policies and standards are central to the OSU mission and affect the entire university community. Through policies and standards, the university articulates the expectations of individuals, promotes efficiency, and supports compliance with laws and regulations. The University Policy and Standards Program develops, maintains, and archives university policies and standards. 

University Policy & Standards Manual

University policies and standards are published in the searchable University Policy & Standards Manual.

Our Current Effort

We are in the process of completely overhauling the University Policy and Standards Manual (UPSM). Previously, OSU was governed by the Oregon University System (OUS). In 2014, OSU became a separate legal entity from the OUS and in so doing, inherited hundreds of Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs), Internal Management Directives (IMDs), and other policies. OSU readopted the relevant policies as either university policies, which govern the OSU community of faculty, staff, and students; or university standards, which govern all individuals and have the force of law. Find more on this transition from the OUS here.

To fully transition to OSU-specific university policies and standards, we have developed a University Policy and Standards Manual and established a new process for developing, amending, and retiring policies. Currently, we are reviewing each and every university policy and standard, and amending, retiring, or introducing new policies as necessary. This is a significant undertaking that will take time.  We encourage you to check back frequently.



As we transition to OSU-specific university policies and standards, our nomenclature is in transition as well. University policies or standards that were inherited from OUS will retain their previous names and numbers. Policies that had OAR numbers, retain those numbers without the “OAR” designator. Policies with alternate naming or numbering conventions retain those names and numbers. Policies with no number have not been given one and are listed in the UPSM by name only. As university policies and standards are updated they will be categorized and re-numbered.

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