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AIGA Cleveland values and seeks a diverse membership. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment where representative voices are active in all aspects of our organization. This requires a culture of inclusion in which all individuals feel respected and are treated fairly, and different viewpoints, opinions, thoughts, and ideas are encouraged and embraced.
We are working to ensure that our programming reflects this commitment to diversity and inclusion as we continue to expand our reach throughout the Cleveland area. From community meetings to events that cover a range of topics and initiatives like In-House, WomenLead, and Diversity and Inclusion, we encourage participation and will continue our efforts to build relationships and connect with you, our community.

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Alyssa Maziarz
August 3, 2020
Daniel DiDonato
July 30, 2020
Vanessa Allen
Group Member
July 21, 2020
Steve Lageson
Group Member
July 21, 2020