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Jewelers Beth Carter Gautsch and Michael Seiler talk rocks in the new episode of our Elements of Craft podcast. Listen here, and subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Facebook Live: Lunch and Learn: Stitchery and Fabric Collage with Cheryl Larson

Facebook Live: Lunch and Learn: Traditional Swedish Hairwork Jewelry with Karen Keenan

Video: Insect Photography with Bryan Hansel

Looking for more online craft content? Visit our Crafting in Place page for a full schedule of upcoming webinars, videos, and more, as well as the complete archive of past content.


Unplugged 2020: Bringing it Home



For almost 20 years we’ve invited you to our home to celebrate craft, community, and music—this year we’re bringing it live to your house.

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The week will culminate with a uniquely North House celebration on September 19th featuring Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass, as our featured speaker, live concert with two-time Grammy-nominated musician Eliza Gilkyson, as well as our annual fund-a-need auction. Tickets for the live event will go on sale August 10th.

More details coming soon — sign up for our eNewsletter to stay up-to-date!

Summer Programs



We’re excited to welcome you back to campus! Dive in with these in-person events.

Intro to Wood Fired Baking

Experience the delight of baking in our outdoor wood-fired oven in this two-hour mini course! Offered most Thursdays and Fridays.

Learn More & Register.

Instructors in Residence

A different North House instructor will be demonstrating their craft on campus every week, Wednesday - Saturday, 10am - 4pm. Come down and watch in person!

See the full schedule here.

Annual Member Meeting



Join North House’s board and staff for our 2020 Members’ Gathering & Annual Meeting. This year we will host this important gathering online as a Zoom Webinar, offering a unique opportunity to share updates with friends from near to far. Front and center in the conversation: highlights of reopening on-campus coursework and our digital outreach efforts, board level engagement of fiscal and pandemic planning, highlights of fall offerings and planning for the future.



We are sailing!

  • Hjørdis will be operating according to Minnesota DNR industry guidelines.
  • Sails are around one hour in duration.
  • Each sail is limited to a single group or household.
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We’re excited to be on the water again, and we hope you’ll join us!

Phased re-opening of campus planned


North House is beginning a phased reopening of campus in July and August. Our goal is to begin welcoming students back to campus in a limited capacity while continuing to ensure the safety and health of our students, instructors, staff, and community.

For classes scheduled during this time period, unfortunately, many must still be canceled. However, classes that are able to be safely hosted on campus will continue as scheduled, with other classes moving online. Please see our 513优化下载 for details.

Starting in July, our school store, front office and campus will reopen to the public. School store & front office hours are Wednesday - Thursday, 12 - 4pm, and Friday - Sunday, 9am - 4pm. We welcome inquiries at any time - email us at info@northhouse.org or call 218-387-9762.


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Read what our resident artisans have been up to!

Image for Community Supports Craft

Resident Artisan Elise Kyllo considers the role of the community in her often solitary craft in her latest blog post. 



New Blog Post: Time, and Harvest Time: Emily Derke offers some insights on time and materials in her rope-making experiments. 



Enjoy the tactile sensation of browsing our newsprint catalog of courses? Request your free copy of the North House Catalog here!